With extreme pride, after years of investment and research, Area Brokers Industria can present the highest level of technology associated with insurance product and processes:
Insurance software capable of analyzing and comparing the best insurance product. Based on ArtificialIntelligence, the platform outlines and proposes the most suitable insurance solution by profiling the Client and ensuring the best products offered in the market. Athena offers a comprehensive, modern, highly reliable and flexible platform developed with the aim of providing a comprehensive tool to give substance to the word Insurtech. An innovative choice that has translated over time into an important competitive advantage.
Through the development of proprietary software aimed at managing its offerings within a sustainable, technologically advanced and scalable solution, Area Brokers Industria wanted to disrupt the system of technology and innovation associated with the World Insurance, changing the patterns of an industry that has been static for too long.
Athena is not simply an insurance management software, it is a symbol of innovation capable of delivering the highest IT performance to those who have chosen to partner with us and believe in a project that will change insurance product distribution and management. Athena goes beyond current distribution channels to make better use of next-generation ones, optimizing sales processes and proving to be a game changer in the industry. Using Machine Learning tools, algorithmic applications of artificial intelligence, Athena can automatically update and improve itself. Its“Open Architecture” configuration allows components and data to be added, updated and exchanged.
Athena allows you to create and manage your own on-demand insurance offering with extensive customization and management options. The platform offers performant and innovative end-to-end Data Management and Operations tools. Through Athena, our Team can provide you with:
- a customized view of risk that combines industry-specific loss modeling with analysis of key drivers in the income statement and balance sheet, allowing the company’s risk tolerance to be assessed against its specific balance sheet situation;
- scenarios for risk mitigation, provided transparently through the calculation of the company’s economic cost of risk;
- the combination of data analytics supported by our technology, allows Area Brokers Industria to take a holistic approach toward risk and help clients make more informed decisions that are aligned with business objectives;
- the use of analytics generates savings in insurance programs and increases return on investment by up to 10 times.
- Customer management and new business;
- portfolio management;
- network management;
- document management;
- portfolio analysis;
- mobile solution.
In the rapidly changing environment in which we live, societies around the world inevitably face increasingly complex challenges. In order to better manage risk, allocate one’s capital, and achieve concrete results, the simple historical view turns out to be no longer sufficient. What is needed is a forward-looking look that can predict what will happen in the near future. This makes and will make a real difference.
Athena was not created to meet a specific demand, it was not created to generate supply, it was created to be the consistently successful answer to the needs of this complex, competitive and fascinating insurance industry in which we operate.
For our Sales Network, for our Customers and for our Partners: a software capable of creating synergy, offerings and solutions.